Calculate Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for your property in Faridabad, Haryana using our online and free FAR calculator.
Floor area ratio (FAR) also commonly called as floor space index (FSI) is the ratio of the total floor area of the building on a certain location to the size of the land of that location, or the limit imposed on such a ratio. FAR is the ratio of total building area to the size of the plot. Find the applicable FAR for your Faridabad’s property.
1 sq m = 10.764 sq ft
1 sq m = 1.196 sq yard
1 sq yard = 9 sq ft
1 sq yard = 0.83 sq m
{{ yardsToMeter(form.plotArea) }}
{{ calc.farApplicable | thousandSeperator }}
{{ calc.areaOfAllFloors | thousandSeperator }}
{{ calc.coveredArea | thousandSeperator }}
{{ calc.openArea | thousandSeperator }}
{{ calc.stilt | thousandSeperator }}
₹ {{ calc.coveredAreaCost | thousandSeperator }}
₹ {{ calc.openAreaCost | thousandSeperator }}
₹ {{ calc.stiltCost | thousandSeperator }}
₹ {{ subtotal | thousandSeperator }}
₹ {{ gstApplicable | thousandSeperator }}
₹ {{ totalCost | thousandSeperator }}
Faridabad is currently one of the hottest residential destination in Haryana with hundreds of residential and commercial projects in construction. If you plan to build your home in Faridabad, it is very important to know and adhere to FAR (floor area ratio) norms of Faridabad area before planning a new construction project to make sure you the building meets the necessary safety and legal norms to acquire hassle free completion certificate.
Faridabad | ||||
Area of Faridabad Plot (sq. meter) |
Permissible Ground Coverage % |
Real FAR | Purchasable FAR | Total |
1-75 | 66 | 165 | 99 | 264 |
76-100 | 66 | 165 | 99 | 264 |
101-150 | 66 | 145 | 119 | 264 |
151-200 | 66 | 145 | 119 | 264 |
201-250 | 66 | 145 | 119 | 264 |
251-350 | 60 | 125 | 115 | 240 |
351-500 | 60 | 120 | 120 | 240 |
501 and Above | 60 | 100 | 140 | 240 |